Filmaster on Social Media Week, Berlin

On February 1st I'll be visiting Berlin to give a 15-minutes talk about Filmaster (, a social network for film buffs with personalized recommendations, that I created with Adam Zieliński.


Here is how the organizers present this meeting: 

"In the context of Social Media Week we're hosting a special feature of "web monday", the "polish web monday": Polish start-ups present themselfes and their projects. The 15 minute long presentations open up a new perspective on the social media scene in Poland and prepare the ground for subsequent discussions, exchange and mutual inspiration. "web monday" – brings together developers, founders, entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, web pioneers, blogger, podcaster, designer and others interested in web 2.0 in the broadest sense."

Except from me presenting Filmaster, there will be a few of other Polish startups presenting during the event: (Julia Krysztofiak-Szopa), and (Wiktor Schmidt) and (Rafal Bugajski).

You can fine more details about the event at

See you in Berlin!

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